Staff Application

Girls State staff are split into two categories, Town Counselors, and County Counselors. Town Counselors manage towns of 8-10 students throughout the week. Town Counselors are a critical part of the Girls State experience, as they spend the most time with students, and act as a liaison between students and staff. You do not need any prior Girls State experience to apply for Town Counselors! We're looking for people who are energetic about Vermont leadership, government, and mentoring the youth of Vermont.

County counselors are ALA members who do managerial tasks. They help set up, participate in check-in, and watch students throughout the week for awards. These are ALA mentors who help provide support for Town Counselors.

All staff members are given a $100 stipend. If you are a college student, we can facilitate internship credit at your home institution.

Please reach out to Audrey at if you have any questions.

If you are interested in joining staff, please sign up for our mailing list here.

You can apply online or fill out the PDF and send to